Project Feed 50,000 Soul This Christmas

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“For Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor a

mong the Lord’s people in Jerusalem.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬
This was said by Paul about the Lord’s people in their time. Can the same be said about you?
Jesus Christ said the poor will always be amongst us, therefore it is our responsibility to take care of them.
*OMS NETWORK* with Jesus Everywhere Movement is feeding *50,000* poor and needy people in *53 communities in Accra and its environs on 25th December.*
_The blind, deaf, widowed, orphans and other needy needy people will Have a memorable joyful season with your donation._
Partner with us to do this for the Lord.
10 Ghana cedis can feed a person on that day.
*How Many Souls Can You Feed This December? 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 or More Souls*’
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Let us come together to do this for Jesus.
Donation details below

MTN MOMO: +233 544346879

Vodafone Cash: +233 209016972

Pay Pal: OMS Network

Heaven will not forget your act of Love and kindness.
God bless you.
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About Sponsorship & Partnership

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OMS NETWORK TV has over thousands(1000s) of viewership and if it touches your heart to support or sponsor any of our OMS NETWORK TV programs in cash or kind you are always welcome.

God bless you in advance for your support and sponsorship. Please note that all sponsorship are what we give out as OMS NETWORK TV.

You can choose to sponsor weekly or monthly with any amount.

Below are some of the areas we need sponsorship.

  • Support with cash or kind
  • Support with internet Data for online broadcasting
  • We also give to children’s home and all that so you can also support with some
    • Clothes / Fabric / Materials
    • Food
    • Drinks
    • Water
    • Biscuits
    • And others

Gadget Sponsorship

  • Laptop and Accessories
  • Phone and Accessories
  • Cameras and Accessories (For Pictures and Video Recordings)
  • Internet Devices
  • Software’s For Live Streaming (Payment of Zoom Software)


You can partner with us monthly as well with below partnership categories

  • Bronze Partnership – Monthly contributions From 50 to 500 Ghana Cedis
  • Silver Partnership – Monthly contributions From 500 to 1000 Ghana Cedis
  • Gold Partnership – Monthly contributions from 1000 cedis and above

Below are ways you see value for money through sponsorships or partnerships. Thus when you sponsor you will be advertised on OMS Network TV

  • Programs
  • Flyers
  • Facebook Page
  • Instagram Page
  • Generate a certificate as our proud sponsor yearly
  • We will also call you and pray for you and if there is any prophetic word from the Lord we shall also release it unto you.


OMS NETWORK TV in conjunction with Win a Soul for Christ also provide free e-books for cherished viewers and through their e-library section. If you want any Christian Literature just send us a message and we shall send you.


This advertisement can be your company or product we will advertise on our programs.


Proverbs 11:24-25 says

24 One gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor.

25A generous soul will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.…


Click Below link to register for partnership



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Donate To Our NGO

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For international MTN and Vodafone Payment, kindly use wave or tap tap send or any other app of your choice.

MTN MOMO: +233 544346879

Vodafone Cash: +233 209016972

Cash App:

Pay Pal: OMS Network

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Thank you and God bless you soo much.

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